app development

Important Trends to Consider When Creating A Mobile Application

Today, the smart smartphone is an important tool that assists us in nearly every aspect of our daily lives. This has undoubtedly resulted in strong rivalry in the mobile industry, particularly in the application marketplace. Every mobile developer is well-versed in the most recent mobile app development trends.

Application security:

Security in apps is a major issue for developers that must not be neglected. In recent years, there have been several applications that have resulted in serious security breaches. Cyber assaults risked a massive quantity of data in 2015. In reality, just a quarter of mobile applications are expected to pass a simple security test.

Many reasons can exacerbate the app security risk, including the steadily rising number of mobile devices, the introduction and quick adoption of mobile wallets and IoT, and the use of BYOD in organisations, to mention a few.

Increasing the Use of Beacons and Other Location-Based Services:

Beacon technology has already acquired a lot of traction. This technology enables websites and applications to get the user’s location and send tailored advertising and messages in order to connect with and attract potential consumers. Not only are beacons growing increasingly popular among consumers and businesses, but so are other location-based Wi-Fi services.

The ever-increasing PhoneGap application development of digital mobile payment providers cannot be ignored. Google Wallet and Apple Pay are already available. Mobile payments, which are now widespread and will become more popular in the next years, have been beautifully improved by these services. This year, Samsung Pay, Android Pay, and other mobile payment applications are scheduled to be introduced. This trend clearly exemplifies the rise of safer and simpler mobile payments, and it is likely to continue in the future Mobile app development.

For more information about app development, PhoneGap application development, Mobile app development, business mobile application development, Mobile application, please visit the – Mobile Application Online & Illusion Groups.

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